Tips for Selling Your Car in the Winter

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As you slip over ice patches and hurdle over snow mounds to reach your new vehicle parked precariously in the driveway, you glance over your shoulder and see it—that old sedan you used to love so much.

You know you have to sell it, especially since you have a new vehicle that needs to be paid off! As you gear up for putting that “For Sale” sign in the window, you think to yourself, “who would want to buy a car in the winter?”

Well don’t worry just yet! 

More people buy cars in the winter than you may think. For tips on selling your whip in the cold weather, join US Dealer Licensing, a supplier of wholesale dealer licenses!  

Tip #1 Make a Good First Impression

Making a good first impression is not only for job interviews or meeting the in-laws…your car should make a good first impression too! 

In the winter, it’s hard to keep salt and sand off of our vehicles—especially when we use them for daily commutes. Before selling your car, take it through a car wash and make sure to store the vehicle in an enclosed area when you get home! So instead of the customer being distracted by the white residue all over the vehicle, they’ll be able to see what your car really has to offer!

Tip #2 Buy Winter Tires 

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Any potential buyer will naturally want to test drive the vehicle before they buy it, which is why having snow tires can be a must. If the weather is bad, snow tires can be a reassurance to those who want to test drive the car but may be afraid to because of the weather. 

Having snow tires in the winter can also improve the driving experience and performance of the car—leading to a higher chance of a sale. 

Tip #3 Fire Up the Car Before Showing It

In harsh, cold temperatures, it’s common for cars to have issues starting, especially if the car has an older, weaker battery. Before the buyer arrives, you should start the vehicle to ensure it runs smoothly. If it has been more than three years since you have last replaced the battery, getting a new battery will always be a safe bet.

Tip #4 Make the Potential Buyer Comfortable 

easily sell cars in the winter with a wholesale dealer license

Many sellers get so caught up in preparing their vehicles to be shown, that they forget about making sure the buyer will be comfortable when they come to look at the vehicle.

If you’re selling the vehicle in winter, there may be snow on the ground. Does the buyer have a shoveled path to view the car? You should also place the car in a well lit area, such as a garage or warehouse, to ensure the buyer can properly see the vehicle. 

We have also found that hospitality goes a long way! If it’s cold, offer the buyer a hot coffee or steaming mug of hot cocoa to help warm them up.

Want to Sell Cars in Bulk?

So let’s say that instead of the lonely sedan in your driveway, you have a whole slew of vehicles that need to go. With a wholesale dealer license, you can sell directly to dealers and attend private, dealer-only auctions too! 
To get started with a wholesale dealer license, contact US Dealer Licensing. With over 30 years of experience in the auto industry, US Dealer can walk you through the entire process, and get you a license in just 30 days! For more information, call (888) 344-5570. Happy car selling!

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