How Do I Simplify the Wholesale Dealer Licensing Process?

Are you considering getting your dealer license? We can help! US Dealer Licensing has helped wholesale dealers become licensed since 2010. 

We saw a need for assistance during the licensing process after witnessing so many of our local small businesses struggle with the hassle of tedious paperwork.

How do we know the process?

Wholesale dealer licensing application process made easy

Having been in the auto industry for 30 years, we understand the benefits of guiding new applicants through the complicated auto licensing process. Given our years of experience in the industry, we lend our one-on-one guidance to entrepreneurs. 

The result?  

US Dealer Licensing makes it easy to obtain a wholesale dealer license. Our support doesn’t stop at completing the paperwork! We ensure you comply with state requirements, so you don’t incur fines. That means you have a quick and easy annual renewal process. 

End the paperwork struggle!

State paperwork can be confusing with all its legal jargon and small print. It’s difficult to tell if each section applies to you. Which parts are you exempt from? 

Interpreting state paperwork is where the expertise of US Dealer Licensing comes into play. We don’t just say sign and initial here; instead, we walk you through the process step by step. The different dealer licenses vary from state to state. 

Here are some licenses we can help you with:

  • New motor vehicle franchise dealers (can sell new and used cars)
  • Used motor vehicle dealers (can only sell used cars)
  • Trailer dealers
  • Boat dealers
  • Public motor vehicle auctioneers
  • Motor vehicle brokers
  • Wholesale motor vehicle dealers 
  • Import dealers 
Simplify the wholesale dealer process
Questions? Check out our FAQs to learn how we can help simplify your wholesale dealer license application process.

Our partnership guarantees you understand your role as a wholesale dealer. We help you to maintain compliance with state regulations. Our primary goal is to work with you and the state to form a partnership. Rely on us to get the job done right the first time around! 

US Dealer Licensing staff are always continuing our education. The result is a quick turnaround time. Our professional guidance means your application is a smooth process. No stressful back and forth with the state! Why waste valuable company time on completing and submitting paperwork, when you could be running your business instead? 

Partner with the Wholesale Dealer Experts

Don’t experience downtime due to a licensing paperwork mix up. Audits aren’t intimidating when you have a partnership with US Dealer Licensing. It’s comforting to know you’re partnering with a team who has 3 decades of auto industry experience. Once you begin the application process, you will be on your way to buying and selling automobiles.

Get your
the FIRST time around!

In order to get your dealer license many states require you must do the following:

  • Register your business with the Secretary of State
  • You Dealership must pass an inspection
  • Have a location for your business which is permanently enclosed and is owned or leased by you
  • Have a working telephone and listing
  • Proof of garage liability insurance
  • A completed application for the type of dealer license you are applying for
  • Criminal records for all owners listed on application
  • A photo of your dealership’s building, display lot, and sign
  • An original corporate surety dealer bond or original irrevocable letter of credit from a state or federal financial institution in the amount of $25,000
  • A check or money order made out to the Dept of Revenue for dealer license and plate fees

That sounds like a lot! Not only do we take care of all of the paperwork involved to obtain a dealer license, but we also provide you with an official physical address, so you meet state legal address requirements. How fast is this process? 30 days! That’s how it takes from the time we receive your initial payment to being able to perform wholesale auto duties! 

Get Ready to Buy and Sell!

Start your new business or expand your existing business operations in a little over 30 days with the assistance of US Dealer Licensing services. 

Fast Facts:

  • Your wholesale license is authorized for use in all 50 states. 
  • You benefit from discounts available to dealers resulting in higher profits. 
  • Purchase vehicles to repair and resale or even import automobiles.
  • Wholesale dealers profit margins trend higher than retail dealers
Open the door to importing vehicles!

Do you need a Wholesale Dealer License?

Are you ready to graduate to the next level of your auto business plan? With a wholesale dealer license, you’re able to purchase from dealer auto auctions and sell to them as well. 

This is not a license to sell to individuals. You will reap the benefits of buying and selling directly to and from dealerships and auto auctions. Many auto auctions are closed to the general public. When you work with us, you gain access to dealer only sales. Your purchase options increase with a wholesale dealer license. You even have access to import automobiles from many countries.

Contact US Dealer Licensing and start your application process today.

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