Getting a Wholesale Dealer License Helps You Financially

earn more when you have a wholesale dealer license
earn more by selling directly to dealers with a wholesale dealer license

A wholesale dealer license is an incredibly valuable tool to have in your business arsenal, and it can offer you some major benefits. 

If you’re still on the fence about whether or not you should apply for one, take a look at these wholesale dealer license benefits and see if any of them might convince you that you need this license in your life.

With more than 30 years of experience in the auto industry, US Dealer Licensing is here to help you get your wholesale dealer license and reach your business goals. 

How do I get a wholesale dealer license?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Learning how to start an auto business is about learning about all aspects of that business. 

One of those steps? 

Getting your wholesale dealer license. 

If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips for applying for your wholesale dealer license. Of course, depending on what state you live in and what kind of application process is available in your area, these may vary slightly or significantly—but overall they should give you a good idea of what’s involved in obtaining such licensure. 

  • Talk with nearby state motor vehicle agencies: Every state has its own procedures; finding out exactly what each requires (and outlining them in more detail) will make everything from navigating paperwork to following up easy going down the road.
  • Make sure to ask if there are any hidden fees related to getting your wholesale dealer license as well so that you won’t be caught off guard by any unexpected costs down the line! 

How many sales do I need to make before I make money?

increase your earnings by getting a wholesale dealer license

One of the main reasons people start their own business is to make money. This isn’t always true for all entrepreneurs, but for many it is. 

Even if you decide that starting your own business isn’t right for you or doesn’t provide enough financial reward, there are still plenty of ways getting a wholesale dealer license can benefit your bottom line. 

Before making any decisions, though, ask yourself: how much do I need to sell before I make any money? 

There’s no easy answer—the amount you need to sell will vary depending on several factors—but here are a few things you should consider: 

  • What market value do my cars have? 
  • How much do I plan on charging for shipping and handling if I sell overseas? 
  • How much time will it take me to get these sales?

These aren’t hard-and-fast numbers—every industry is different and every person selling has different pricing strategies. But if you want to be sure to turn a profit at some point in your business venture, calculate ahead of time where you stand with regard to your initial sales goal.

How Can US Dealer Licensing Help Me?

If a wholesale dealer license is right for you, get in touch with US Dealer Licensing! We have an easy, 3-step solution to get you a dealer license in about 30 days. 

Step 1: We rent you an office space to give you the required license, and we make sure that the building is always in compliance. 

Step 2: We handle all of the paperwork and get you the best prices on all bonds and insurance. 

Step 3: Once you have received your dealer license and plates, we provide you with ongoing support to help make your small business a success! 
Call 1 (888) 344-5570 to get started!

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